Monday, October 23, 2006

Vegetarian Festival - Thailand

This time last year, I was in Thailand enjoying the first few weeks of what would ultimately extend into a lengthy four-month stay. Little did I know that I'd be arriving in the midst of my epicurean paragon - the ten-day Vegetarian Festival. Occuring every October, it's a time when many Buddhists partake in a cathartic ritual of abstaining from their traditional diets and instead, eating healthily and cruelty-free. Supply shifts comfortably and rather seamlessly to meet demand, as stalls quickly transform themselves under the omnipresent yellow banner to sell meat-free variations of their best sellers. The Festival just started a couple days ago and already I'm wishing I were back...
Pictures from last year:

1 comment:

Herwin said...

yummy yummy, the world largest Vegetarian Festival, sure beats Christmas, Thanksgiving AND Ramadan togehter. Nice pics.