Monday, March 24, 2008


Shot TVC and stills for HSBC last month and both the commercial and print ad were unleashed upon HK and Macau television viewers, public transit passengers and newspaper readers a few weeks ago. Really fun/funny job - the campaign is apparantly meant to highlight how the bank and its magic money cards are the key to fine wining and dining so that entailed female model Natasha and I demonstrating to the best of our ability how to live the high life. That meant feasting on lobster, sushi, decadent desserts, etc. Sounds pretty good, right? One small problem - she abhors seafood and I'm a vegetarian. Plus, film costs mucho dinero so you have to cram as many usable takes in as short a timeframe as possible so no leisurely nibbles. No no, BIG bites and FAST chewing, all while looking like you're in a state of deep, unadulterated bliss. Haven't seen the TVC component yet so hard to determine if ultimately we were convincing but here's the print ad: