Scraping by on a modest budget of sometimes as little as USD$65 a week (advanced from future earnings and often contingent on steady bookings and maintaining measurements) and huddled up in apartments that can sometimes house as many as 10, model living is traditionally basic and threadbare. Events called "Models Nights", where drinks and sometimes dinner are typically free of charge, can help defray the cost of going out, but after covering daily transportation and food costs, there still isn't much left of that $65 to stow away at the end of the week.
And coming home... Perish the thought of doorman buildings and walk-in closets. Model living often equates to bunk beds, disaster-zone kitchens and shared bathrooms (sometimes 4 to a room - think bunk beds). Obviously some are better than others but here's a sampling of some of the ones I've experienced first-hand.
To be fair, the model apartment experience can be a lot like summer camp, and though communal living isn't for everyone, the cramped conditions often do engender a strong sense of camaraderie as well as an adventurous spirit to go forth and explore.

tough but still happy definitely right?
so will the glass be half-filled or half-empty?
definitely happy. it's been an indelible part of the experience, and while i'm more hesitant these days to sign up for contracts that will see me living out of a suitcase for 2+ months, i've had a great time and met amazing people so wouldn't have it any other way. glass more than half-filled - just about full...
any plans of doing any other shoot over here in singapore richie? or walk in any runway..?
yeah do come to SG.. hope to catch u in real life.. :)
things are slow this time of year in SG but if the right job pops up, i'll be back. trouble is it's always pretty last minute
which probably means for a major fashion event the earliest will be mid of next year during SFF, ouch :(
btw, the starhub ads have hit the busses :p event are not a norm over here. but Spore fashion week is coming if im not wrong.but they usually hire un-professional model since its by fashion students. but maybe they invite you.which will be great.
and yeah! i have seen the ad in real finally.haha
the ad's on buses? cool. can you snap a pic for me if you see one zooming by? thanks mate.
yup, the one with u holding the starhub boxes and inclining backwards, lol.
i'll try. :)
anyway, are you still busy with ads? do you do runway these days?
ouch, just saw that ad on an envelope for this month's starhub bill, but i forgot to keep it and my mom discarded it. sorry!
i got the ad. don't mind the quality took it with my phone.haha
thanks for the updates on the starhub ads - didn't realize they'd use it for the monthly bills as well. hehe, they're making sure they're getting their money's worth :p ace - thanks for the mobile phone snaps - have those as well when i was in sg last time.
this was at this month's starhub bill.
first time i saw this ad though.
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