Thursday, August 20, 2009

Out Magazine - "Baby Daddy"

"Baby Daddy" editorial by Matthias Vriens for the September issue of Out Magazine (Lady Gaga on the cover). Shortest shoot I've ever had, prompted in part by a certain costar making it very clear that he was ready to go home for his afternoon kip...

Full story available for perusal @ Design Scene

1 comment:

sebastian said...

I just stumbled upon your blog during my research and I found it really entertaining and informative.
We would like to do coverage on our website about good and interesting fashion and model blogs.
We would like to add your link there, so if you are interested please provide me with some background information on your blog (when it started, who is behind the idea and content, how would you describe your blog, etc)
Models Connect is a portfolio hosting website, our main aim is to give advice and help wannabe models to get into modelling industry. All tips and suggestions in the area of fashion and modelling are invaluable for people who are new to this.

I hope to hear from you and well done for the blog!

Kind regards
Models Connect
info at